Meers Transport, logistical top expertise for more than 60 years

Meers Transport has operated as a freight forwarder and logistics partner for generations. What started with a single truck in 1959 has grown into a full gamut of professional services for transport and storage of your goods. We will always look for the most suitable solution that is tailored to you. Yet with every assignment, one end destination is fixed: your customer satisfaction.

Meers Transport, more logistics for your money


Experience and drive
on offer




Extensive fleet
of vehicles


Infrastructure and
warehouse space

Meers Transport, more logistics for your money


Experience and drive on offer


Tailor-made logistics


Extensive fleet of vehicles and equipment


Infrastructure and warehouse space

Tonnes of know-how and miles of experience

Decades of logistics expertise, all the required equipment, an innovative vision and a driven team of transport specialists. This is the solid base Meers Transport builds from to always find the right solution, tailored to any logistical challenge.

Optimal organisation, quality logistics

How do we guarantee punctual and faultless transport and high-quality logistics? We are continuously working on optimising our internal organisation, with ongoing investment in a tailor-made, high-performance IT system. This way, we can plan, follow up and – where necessary – adjust everything perfectly.

Our real-time info keeps you up to date

Every truck in our fleet is fitted with a GPS module and track & trace software, so that we know the exact position of each vehicle at any time. The result: as a customer, you will always receive accurate and real-time information about your transport.

Our team: always full throttle for the best service

Groep Meers
before until now

The start of Meers Transport

Son Eduard Meers starts his own transport company with a single truck.

Steady growth

Eduard and his wife Lucia continue to expand Meers Transport.

The second generation

Sons Olivier and Xavier graduate and drive trucks, like their father.

Move to Lanaken

Meers Transport moves to Europark. From now on, Xavier Meers looks after the planning.

Acquisition of Wessem Wegtransport

Construction of new warehouse and office space - recruitment of additional staff.

Luxembourg branch

Establishment of a location in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Solar panels and on-board computers

Our own solar energy products + 55 on-board computers enhance traceability and planning.

The Luxembourg branch moves

A move to a larger location and new IT infrastructure, software and backup system.

In 2012
Construction of new warehouse

New hall for bulk goods, new bagging plant and additional 3-hectare outdoor area.

Acquisition of Kusters Transport

New hall for bulk goods, new bagging plant and additional 3-hectare outdoor area.

Acquisition of Gebroeders Crijns

Crijns have been transporting minerals, construction materials, general and ADR goods for 45 years.

Van Werven

Complete asphalting of yard + new separate access gate with weighbridge

New wash bay

Two automatic wash stations with their own water purification plant and maximum rainwater recovery.

Start van Meers Transport
Eduard Meers opgegroeid op het landbouwbedrijf van zijn ouders start met één vrachtwagen zijn eigen transportfirma
Jaren 1970
Gestage groei
Eduard en zijn vrouw Lucia bouwen Meers Transport verder uit.
De tweede generatie
Zonen Olivier en Xavier studeren af en rijden net als hun vader met de vrachtwagen.
Verhuis naar Lanaken
Meers Transport verhuist naar Europark. Voortaan doet Xavier Meers de planning. Aankoop van 1 hectare industriegrond en de bouw van een loods.
Overname Wessem Wegtransport

Overname meerderheidsaandeel Wessem wegtransport - aanwerving van extra personeel.

Oprichting MITL

Met de opstart van het Luxemburgs filiaal kijken we vooral over de grenzen, m.n. bulktransport naar Frankrijk

Strategisch plan
Strategisch plan voor de toekomst wordt uitgerold. Meers wil de gespecialiseerde referentie worden inzake bulktransport.
Overname Moors - Thijs

Met de overname van Moors-Thijs haalt groep Meers de specialist in regionaal transport in aanvoer van grondstoffen aan boord met 8 extra vrachtwagens.

Overname Kusters Transport
Met de overname van Kusters Transport haalt groep Meers de specialist in handling en transport van zeecontainers aan boord met 5 extra vrachtwagens en een reach stacker
Overname Transport Marc Hermans
Met de overname van Marc Hermans Transportactiviteiten groeit de regionale vloot nogmaals met 7 vrachtwagens.
Overname Gebroeders Crijns
Crijns vervoerde al 45 jaar mineralen, bouwgrondstoffen, algemene en ADR-goederen.
Infrastructuur en professionalisering
Investeringsprogramma op het terrein van 2 miljoen euro wordt afgerond met het plaatsen van een nieuwe washal en eigen waterzuiveringsinstallatie
Klaar voor de toekomst
Wij zijn klaar voor de toekomst met 150 eigen trekkers en 220 opleggers en komen graag aan uw transport en logistieke vragen tegemoet

With a proud glance at the past...

Meers Transport has come a long way since its inception. Not just literally, but also figuratively. From a one-man business with its first truck to the thriving transport company and logistics facilitator with an extensive array of logistics services we have today. We can offer a suitable solution for any logistics challenge our customers entrust us with.

… ready for tomorrow’s logistics!

The world of transport and logistics is forever on the move. Everything has to be faster, more punctual, and more sustainable. It is a complex task that we commit ongoing investment to – in our staff, our fleet, and our infrastructure. We are constantly on the lookout for innovative and sustainable solutions in transport and logistics so we can be ready today for tomorrow’s logistics, in partnership with our customers.

One large transport family

The Meers Transport group of companies grew steadily with the various acquisitions and now includes Crijns, Kusters, MITL and Wessem in addition to the parent company. In all, this represents an impressive collection of expertise, experience and vision in many areas of transport and logistics. The vision is to achieve healthy business growth through intensive collaboration with partners and with the help of continuous innovation.


Gebroeders Crijns (Crijns Brothers) have been transporting minerals, construction materials, general and ADR goods for more than 45 years. Marc and Peter Crijns are the third generation at the helm. The family character is essential to Gebroeders Crijns. The acquisition by Groep Meers helped safeguard the continuity and future of the company. Meers Transport guides them at management level, as a strong partner behind the scenes.


Kusters Transport was founded in 1963 and initially focused on bulk goods (gravel and sand). But the company jumped straight on the bandwagon of fiercely developing container transport in the 1970s and became the specialist in sea containers. For example, they can transload and stock the sea containers with their in-house stacker, and they also have five trucks and some 40 permanent charters. In addition, the acquisition of Kusters Transport in 2020 increased the capacity of the Groep Meers by 7.5 hectares. The Kusters Transport management, brothers Patrick and Ivo Kusters, will be on board for at least three years to safeguard continuity.


In order to keep being able to guarantee the quality of its services, Groep Meers cast their eyes across the borders once again in 2008. An additional branch was established in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: MITL: Meers International Transport Luxemburg. This location is mainly responsible for bulk transport to the south of France.


Wessem Wegtransport has been part of Groep Meers since 2004. It has excellent chartering contacts with shipping companies and shipping agencies in the ARAG sea ports. What’s more, it can also handle the complete handling of global export and import of bulk goods and containers.

How can we help you?

Are you faced with a transport or logistics challenge? As a total logistics partner, Meers Transport will undoubtedly have a solution to suit you.